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Everyone who comes to Russia needs a visa. We will advise you on how to obtain a Russian visa and what the full cost will be.

Visa to Russia

Everyone who comes to Russia needs a visa.  

The procedure for obtaining a Russian visa consists of three steps:
Step 1 - Obtaining the Visa Invitation to Russia;
Step 2 - Having the visa issued by the Russian Consulate;
Step 3 - Registering your visa upon arrival in Russia.
Note: We at Russian Enigma can assist you with Step 1 and 3

The price for the Tourist visa invitation is  $90.00.

Tourist Invitation (two documents: Voucher and Confirmation) will be issued by a Russian tourist company and sent you via fax or e-mail in 2-3 (working ) days after you send us the following information:

  • The copy of your passport (1st page)
  • Arrival/departure dates
  • The list of the cities you are planning to visit while you are in Russia (up to 6)

A Tourist visa is valid for one entry.
Period of stay in Russia: up to 30 days. Extension is not possible!

The Consular fee usually depends on:
· the type of visa;
· your citizenship;
· the speed of processing
faster processing costs more.
The amount and way of paying the Consular fee varies between different Consulates. It is recommended that you contact several available Consulates for details and prices.


To obtain the visa invitation e-mail us the iformation listed above


Contact information of some Russian Consulates

New York 136 East 67th St., New York, NY 10021
(phone. +1 (212) 861-4900, 348-0926 ; fax +1 (212) 628-0252)

San-Francisco 2790 Green Street, San Francisco, CA 94123-4609
(phone +1 (408) 928-6878; fax +1 (415) 929-0306)
Seattle 2323 Westin Building, 2001 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121-2617
(phone +1 (206) 728-1910; fax +1 (206) 728-1871)
Washington 1825 Phelps Place N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008
(phone +1 (202) 939-8907; fax +1 (202) 939-8909)


Salzburg Brgelsteinstrasse 2, A-5020 Salzburg
(phone +43 (662) 241-84; fax +43 (662) 621-7434)
Vienna Reisnerstrasse 45-47, A-1030 Vienna
(phone +43 (1) 712-1229, 712-3233, 713-1215; fax +43 (1) 712-3388

Montreal3655 Avenue du Musee, Montreal, Quebec H3G 2E1
(phone +514 843-5901, 842-5343; fax +514 842-2012)
Ottawa 52 Range Road, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 8J5
(phone +613 236-6215, 236-7220; fax +613 238-6158)
Toronto Suite 700, 130 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
(phone (416) 962-9911; fax (416) 962-6611; website

Berlin Unter den Linden 63-65, D-10117 Berlin
(phone +49 (30) 229-1420; fax +49 (30) 229-9397)
Bonn PO Box 200908, Waldstrasse 42, D-53177 Bonn
(phone +49 (228) 32-074, 312-086, 312-087, 312-092, 312-085; fax +49 (228) 384-561, 311-563)
Hamburg Am Feenteich 20, D-22085 Hamburg
(phone +49 (40) 229-5201; fax +49 (40) 229-7727)
Leipzig Kickerlingsberg 18, D-04105 Leipzig
(phone +49 (341) 585-1876; fax +49 (341) 585-2404)
Rostok Tuhnenstrasse 3, D-18057 Rostock
(phone +49 (381) 226-42; fax +49 (381) 227-43)
Munich Seidelstrasse 8, D-80335 Munich
(phone +49 (89) 592-503; fax +49 (89) 550-3828)

Genoa Via Ghirardelli Pescetto, 16, 16167 Genova Nervi, Italia
(phone +39 (10) 372-6047, 372-6304; fax +39 (10) 535-140)
Milan Via St.Aquilino 3, I-20148 Milan
(phone +39 (2) 487-05912, 487-06041)
Rome Via Gaeta 5, I-00186 Rome
(phone +39 (6) 494-1680, 494-1681, 494-1649; fax +39 (6) 491-031)

Dublin186 Orwell Rd, Rathgar, Dublin
(phone +353 (1) 492-3525, 492-2048; fax +353 (1) 492-3525)

Marseille 8 Rue Ambrois Pare, F-13008 Marseille
(phone +33 (91) 771-525; fax +33 (91) 773-454)
Paris40-50 Boulevard Lannes, F-75116 Paris
(phone +33 (1) 450-40501, 450-40550, 450-47171; fax+33 (1) 450-44409)
Strasbourg 75, allee de la Robertsau, 67000 Strasbourg
(phone +33 (3) 883-67315 ; fax +33 (3) 883-53481)

United Kingdom
Edinburgh9 Coates Crescent, Edinburgh E 113 7RL
(phone +013 (1) 225-7098; fax +013 (1) 225-9587)
London5 Kensington Palace Gardens, London W8 4QS
(phone +44 (207) 229-8027, 792-0962; fax +44 (207) 229-3215)

Canberra 78 Canberra Avenue, Griffith, Canberra, ACT 2603
(phone +61 (62) 295-9033, 295-9474; fax +61 (62) 295-1847)
Sydney7-9 Fullerton Street, Woollahra, NSW 2025
(phone +61 (2) 326-1188, 326-1866; fax +61 (2) 327-5065)

Bern Brunnadernrain 53, CH-30006 Bern
(phone +41 (31) 352-0567, 352-6425; fax +41 (31) 352-6460)
Geneva24 Rue Jean Schaub CH-1202 Geneva
(phone +41 (22) 734-7955, 734-9083)

Goteborg St. Sigfridsgatan 1, Box 5093, 40222 Goteborg, Sverige
(phone +46 (31) 408-084, 206-093, 409-846; fax +46 (31) 408-900)
Stockholm Gjoerwellsgatan 31, S-11260 Stockholm
(phone +46 (8) 130-441, 130-442, 130-440, 533-732; fax +46 (8) 618-2703)

Barcelona Avenida Pearson 40-42, E-08034 Barcelona
(phone +34 (3) 204-0246; fax +34 (3) 280-5541)
Madrid Vel zquez 155, E-28002 Madrid
(phone +34 (1) 411-0807, 562-2264; fax +34 (1) 562-9712)

South Africa
Cape Town8 Riebeeck Street, Cape Town 8001
(phone +27 (21) 418-3656, 418-3657, 419-2651; fax +27 (21) 419-2651)
Pretoria P.O.Box 6743 Pretoria 0001, Butano Building, 316 Brooks Street, Menlo Park 0081
(phone +27 (12) 432-731, 432-732; fax +27 (12) 432-842)
Sunnyside135 Bourke Street, Sunnyside 0002
(phone +27 (12) 344-4820, 344-4812; fax +27 (12) 343-8636)

Lisbon Rua Visconde de Santarem 59, P-1000 Lisbon
(phone +351 (1) 846-2424, 846-2524, 846-2623; fax 351 (1) 846-3008)

Barentsburg Norge, Svalbard, Barentsburg
(phone +47 790-21785; fax +47 790-21785 )
Kirkenes Norge, 9900 Kirkenes, Postbox 98
(phone +47 789-93737, 789-93738; fax +47 789-93742)
Oslo Drammensveen 74, 0271 Oslo
(phone +47 (2) 553-278, 553-279; fax +47 (2) 550-070)

New Zealand
Wellington57 Messines Rd, Wellington
(phone +64 (4) 476-6113; fax +64 (4) 476-3843)

The Hague Andries Bickerweg 2, NL-2517 JP The Hague
(phone +070 345-1300, 345-1301, 346-8888, 346-7940; fax +070 361-7960)


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I'm married now and we are very happy. Thank you for nice help.

I have decided to undertake this adventure

Elena was an excellent host in my stay in Rostov.

When I remember Russian-Enigma , Elena and her friendly smile is the first image that comes to my mind

Congratualtion to our newly engaged couple Alex and Julia
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Lyudmila #800
Age: 46 Height:  5 ft 1"


Ludmila #1484
Age: 48 Height:  5 ft 6"


Love story

They met each other in Rostov...
My heart is full of joy because she has loved me, and has taken away all my loneliness!
There was a spark which turned into a relationship...
Our meetings report 2008
Happy couple matched


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