Local servicesWe can also provide you with some additional local services, which you may find helpful, for your stay. Additional local servicesWe can also provide you with some additional local services, which you may find helpful, for your stay. We hope these additional services will help you to relax and feel more comfortable while you are enjoying your stay in Rostov. - Interpretation service
ˆ10 per hour (English) ˆ10 per hour (German,French,Spanish, Italian, Portugal) - Renting of car with driver
ˆ8 per hour ˆ55 per day ˆ18 one transfer ( includes: driving you and your lady to the place you require, then driving you both back to your homes) - Rostov-on-Don Site Seeing Tour
ˆ30 per couple (you and a lady) - 1,5 hours by private car with an English speaking guide. - Starocherkassk - the Kossack Ancient Capital - Site Seenig Tour
- ˆ55 per couple (you and your lady) - 4 hours by private car with no interpreter.
ˆ85 per couple (you and your lady) - 4 hours by private car with an English speaking guide. - Restaurant booking
ˆ10 - Purchasing airline/theatre/cinema tickets
ˆ10 - Other: horse riding, fishing trip, visiting the Russian countryside with fish soup, shashlik (pieces of mutton/pork/sturgeon roasted on a spit) Russian pancakes, pies and Russian bath, excursions around the region to the lakes, cloisters, churches; voyages (with Your Lady) to the famous Russian resort of Sochy - Black Sea, Caucasus.
ˆ - for special charge
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I'm married now and we are very happy. Thank you for nice help.
I have decided to undertake this adventure
Elena was an excellent host in my stay in Rostov.
When I remember Russian-Enigma , Elena and her friendly smile is the first image that comes to my mind
Congratualtion to our newly engaged couple Alex and Julia
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Irina #740
Age: 50
Height: 5 ft 4"
Larisa #1064
Age: 53
Height: 5 ft 3"
Love story
They met each other in Rostov...
My heart is full of joy because she has loved me, and has taken away all my loneliness!
There was a spark which turned into a relationship...
Our meetings report 2008
Happy couple matched
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